Tagged: ground coffee

Experience coffee

There is something about a new, fresh warm cup of coffee.

Or espresso. Or however you like your hot concatenated beverages.
there’s something about the pouring cream, or steamed milk or creamer into a cup.
there’s something about grinding the beans.
It’s the process, I think.
Scoop, scoop, close the lid, grind.
I love this part. Right now, I’m still going through already-ground coffee.
I had bought some huge cans of coffee before I  bought the grinder. I just re-grind to freshen it up a bit.
Or if I’m making espresso, I grind it finely.
So there isn’t a noise yet, when I grind, except the wind of the machine.
It’s soothing. It spins, I watch. Great.
And it’s almost like I’m making it.
So much of brewing coffee coffee is not making coffee.
Most of the making part comes after. Adding cream (yes please) or sugar (no thanks) and stirring it.
Making it the way I want to drink it. That’s my favorite part.
But I also know a good cup of coffee starts with good beans and a good grind.
So I enjoy the grinding part. Sue me if it’s not really grinding. It’s like a little refresh grind for my pre-ground beans.
Tap tap into the basket.
Another favorite part. Especially trying to keep all the grinds in the paper liner. Every time I find some grinds in my coffee, I remind myself that I should put the grinds in while the basket is not over the water reservoir. Doesn’t happen. Find grounds all the time.
Oh well.
Then the machine takes it over. But I can still hear the dripping (a little). I don’t have a percolator. I have an internal coffee catcher, or whatever.
I leave the cover open so I can smell it brewing.
Then I hear a final few sizzles on the hot plate and know it’s done.
I used to have a thing about big, tall cups. I liked to fit my hand through… the handle.
Not so much anymore.
I found two cute tea cups at a thrift store almost a year ago and I use those when I’m at home.
I can… cup the cup with my hands, and if I want to, I can fit a finger through the handle.
It makes the cup go faster, but then I drink it while it’s still warm. That’s a common problem I have, not drinking it fast enough.

So, coffee is in cup. What’s next?

Cream. Creamer. Creamier. Yes, yes and yes. Please. A lot.
I used to be excessive about this.
Not since I got the espresso machine. Sometimes I use half and half with a spoon of flavored syrup in my regular coffee: tastes like espresso and steamed milk, way less work.
I know that store-bought flavored creamers are crap… but, whatever.
Again, sue me.
I may not be that pure of a coffee purist.
I like French vanilla creamer.
Sometimes Bailey’s Irish Cream, sometimes some chocolate.
Whatever is my fancy when I’m at the store.
I used to buy that powdered cappuccino.
Meh. I would rather have steamed milk and espresso.
Tastes better.
I like to make coffee on Mondays and Tuesdays and espresso when I have more time.
Or when I haven’t ran out of milk.
It’s nice to come home from Mass and make a cup and think about the homily or readings.
You have to focus on espresso. You have to start steaming at just the right time.
The focus lets you pray. Sort of like the Rosary. Sort of.
God bless.